Release Emotional Pain & Trauma
with EFT Tapping & Inner Child Work.
Suitable for adults who are-
Emotionally sensitive- you are in touch with your emotions
Tired of 'talking' about your concerns and are searching for something deeper
Keen and ready to discover the REAL reason you are stuck or suffering (Root cause)
Longing to HEAL and not just COPE with distractions or "positivity"
Find it important to be authentic and believe you are meant to do something in life
Ready to overcome fears and limiting beliefs that keep you in survival mode
Ready to put in the work and collaborate in therapy
Client Testimonials
"When we deep dived into the root of the problem, it all went back to when I was a child. My inner child was angry, devastated, hurt, lonely, misunderstood, abused and hated. And I got the opportunity to reparent her - a painful, but beautiful process - one that contextualised how I deal with my issues today, and helped me respond to situations with grace."
"I have been able to take care of the fear, anger, other patterns that I learned during my early years such as a deep sense of vigilance, and letting some things go by embracing them with love and safety.
She welcomed all the healing work I have so far experienced and added more to it. I felt very warmly held and supported in this journey."
Click Here to View More Testimonials
Fee Structure
1:1 Therapy for deep emotional release and trauma work (90 mins)
(Deep dive into the energy of your emotions and transforming them into wisdom and power. Release blocks that keep you from your highest self)
Individual session: Rs. 9,500/- ($135)
6 sessions: Rs. 45,000/- ($640)
1:1 Counselling sessions- talk therapy (60 mins)
(Recommended if you are new to therapy and need warming up before deeper work can be done)
Individual session- Rs. 6500/- ($95)
6 sessions- Rs. 30,000/- ($430)
Consultation is provided online and offline from Gurgaon, India